Warning: Part 5- new age bullshit from Kabumir and Dylan Monroe

Kabumir is a giant fraud on Twitter, claiming to be a Pleiadian contactee.  As many people know, there is no life in the Pleiades.  Anyone who claims anything about Pleiadians is a proven fraud.  Dylan Monroe is some lackey that makes nice memes and graphics.  Too bad Ashtar is dead and there is no such thing as the Galactic Federation of Light. If you buy into this hopium disinfo, you are sadly light years behind the truth finders.


See my other warnings:


It is very important to have more than just “discernment”.  You need to know the difference between fact and fiction.  Ashtar is deadThey can’t channel higher entities.  There is no life in the Pleiades.  There are no Pleiadians or aliens working with the government.  There are only Plejarens and their federation members.  Many alien groups have been to this planet in the past.  At present, only a few groups are observing.  No aliens have EVER met with the government.  In fact, the one time they offered to help our government for the purpose of world peace within a short time, we ignored their offer.  There is only ONE contactee.

And one more thing.. if you believe one word about the bogus “ascension” bullshit, you are among the dumbest people on the planet.  Fraud David W and others have been promising this for over 10 years!  Yet it’s always just out of reach.. What these criminal frauds don’t tell you- because they simply don’t know- is that “ascension” takes 40 to 60 million years.


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4 Responses to “Warning: Part 5- new age bullshit from Kabumir and Dylan Monroe”

  1. Lorraine Says:

    I need you to contact me with any information you have on this guy. He’s went on to scamming mass amounts of money from people. Thank you!

    • gregdougall Says:

      He’s not the first and he’s not the last.

      • Lorraine Says:

        Fair enough. Can I ask one question then? Do you know with 100% certainty Robert Carter is Kabamur?

      • gregdougall Says:

        There is no Kabamur. No one can channel an advanced human extraterrestrial, except Billy Meier, who was trained since the age of 5, to learn a telepathic symbol language. Robert Carter, like most channelers, have either very creative minds, or scizophrenic psycichal disorders. They believe themselves, but you can prove they are making it up, because they never give specific events or dates of specific things that happen in the future, like Billy Meier has done in copyrighted books hundreds and hundreds of times. Kabumir is a crazy guy who thinks he is a Pleiadian or in contact with Pleiadians, but there are no humans in that region, or in that time-dimension. https://gregdougall.wordpress.com/2021/06/12/busted-all-pleiadian-contactees-experiencers-and-channelers-exposed-as-frauds/
        Other humans from Lyra and Vega are also from a different time-shifted dimension as ours. There are NO Pleiadian starseeds on Earth.

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